About Us

Leaders Lead

Who am I?

Imagine, if you will, a walkathon where many thousands of people, dressed in orange, are advancing together toward an unknown destination. Now imagine just a few sidewalk-dancing individuals treading, betwixt the masses, dressed in purple and red, but moving against the herd in the opposite direction. I’m one of those individuals.

I am a real person. I was born again as a youngster.

I am who the Bible refers to as a disciple. A saint. A student. A servant. A soldier.

In the second place, I could be considered a creative writer. A communicator. A storyteller. A wordsmith.

One thing I’m not is fake. And I’m not associated with any strange, suspicious, self-titled religious organization. I’m just a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, Acts 11:26 Christian. Plain and simple.

I’ve journeyed around the sun more than 50 times and have been halfway across the world in ministry.

My personal identity is largely irrelevant. Though it may seem odd, this is not a platform for self-promotion. I’m interested, primarily, in the exchange of information.

Who is this website for?

It’s for whomever the Lord intended when He prepared me to do this. You see, salvation is God’s work of grace toward whom He chooses to give it. Should you become a member? I don’t know. But if you are among the few that He chose for this, you’ll know it in your spirit. But that’s His business, not mine (1 Corinthians 3:6-9.) I’m not a salesman. I’m just someone called by Him to write.

But, in general, it’s for true Believers interested in obtaining knowledge, insight, and information that helps with solving their problems. It’s for saints who understand that with every grain of sand that falls in the hourglass, we’re running out of time. They recognize the value of being in good company and, in contrast, the high cost of cheap entertainment. It’s for God’s chosen who believe in the efficacy of reading and for truth-seekers looking, perhaps, to find a purpose.

a woman pleasantly reading her Bible
A billboard that reads 'questions' and 'answers'

Who is this website not for?

It’s not for people untethered from reality who are mostly preoccupied with meaningless fun and frivolity to the exclusion of all else.  Nor, for them who treat vacuity as a thing to be valued in the world.  No, sir.  It’s not for them who belong to the kingdom from which God’s elect are delivered.  In essence, this website is not for the lawless (1 John 3:4.) The disobedient (Ephesians 2:2.) Sinners (Proverbs 1:10.) Or fools (Proverbs 1:7.) Why? Because God speaks to His people in code. All others are tone-deaf and could not even begin to understand what’s going on here (1 Corinthians 2:14.)

Just as well, it’s not intended for those who falsely claim to be Christian or for carnally minded church people who maintain an apathetic approach to the Gospel.

Why did I do this?

I thought of the kind of website that I’d personally be interested in and then created it.

It also has much to do with my affection for the brethren and the fact that I’ve always been somewhat discontented with ‘religified’ churches and its concomitant leadership that offered very little in the way of practical advice as to how biblical precepts should be rightly applied in the real world.

With that, I set this website in motion. It’s a venue for a small, close-knit community of Believers who can learn from each other in a more personal way. It seeks to communicate the truth by providing its members an opportunity to share their experiences. Approximately, this way of learning is more in harmony with how the New Testament church was set up in the first place.

So, if you enjoy a good read, love your brethren, and are willing to share your experiences, please consider joining.

a man sitting on a sunlit bench in a park
Arms reahing out and clasping one another

Why is there a fee?

Perhaps a better question is: Will your participation be worth the fee? I believe it will. But, of course, each person’s answer to that question will differ, as it depends on their value system. What would moving in the direction of wholeness be worth to you?

Overfamiliarity would be the consequence of offering free access to what’s offered here, and would then be treated, naturally, as if it had no value. God forbid. Thus, you are confronted with having to prioritize your spending. In truth, our learning is worth more than any amount of money.

Even more, investing yourself in the lives of other members earns a royalty, both temporally and eternally (Proverbs 11:25; Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Timothy 4:8.) Appropriately then, the fee is just the price of admission to win.

Beyond this, there’s a fee because we’re an exclusive group. This website is not recommended for everybody. Not at all. These are closed-door meetings we’re having. Accordingly, huge membership growth is not really the expectation. And the fee serves as a filter in this regard.

What do you get as a member?

The concept, structure, and functionality of this website is quite elementary.

There will be a post every two weeks (called a song) that will offer my thoughts for your consideration on a topic of my choosing. These songs are intended to inspire critical thinking, increase knowledge, and facilitate spiritual growth.

While it’s by no means a requirement, members are encouraged, for the benefit of others, to respond to the discussion topic with supportive feedback (stories, testimonials, etc.) as to how they believe any part of a song is backed-up by Scripture and/or falls in line with what they themselves have found to be true. This is an effective, high-yielding, model for learning in keeping with what’s stated in Proverbs 27:17.

A woman looking thoughtfully at her laptop screen
A puppy looking at the viewer

A few more words about this site...

As previously stated, the bi-weekly post will set the tone for our thinking consistent with what’s written in 1 Corinthians 1:10. I’ve chosen a 2-week interval as I believe this allows sufficient time in between discussion topics for members to ruminate.

Please know that while member participation is much to be desired, for reasons that should be obvious, responses featured on the website will be subject to my discernment. Our discourse is to be God-fearing, unworldly, and constructive. It must, on all occasions, comply with the Canons of The Membership. And I’m duty-bound to make sure of it.

As I’ve said, I’ll simply be offering my views about various topics that affect our lives in a way that may challenge your beliefs and arouse your senses. Along with that, let me assure you that some of my content will not be for the queasy.

Membership could be for you if… 

  • you struggle to conceptualize a God-centered way of thinking in the culture you live in. 

  • your peers don’t understand your points of view. 

  • you’re interested in sharing experiences that can be helpful to others. 

  • you’re convinced that what you’ve been led to believe may not be true. 

  • you wish to understand, better, Biblical principles and how they should be applied in life. 

  • you’re looking for a germ-free alternative to churchgoing.


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